BE A CHANNING TATUM: How to make your woman fall in love with you, again in 4 simple steps. / by The Galerie Media

You came home late, you left the toilet seat up or maybe you left your boxers with the red lips and tiny red hearts on the bathroom floor, yet again.  Whatever it is she is steaming mad at you. You have been here before, but this time feels different and you need to do a little something different to get back into her good graces.

These simple steps will help you sweep your lady off her feet, the way you did when you first met. Remember when you did things, like noticed when she got her hair dyed, noticed when she started wearing a new perfume or considered her feelings? Turns out people like it when you consider their feelings.  It makes them feel like you are thoughtful, generous and emotionally invested.

She misses the old you, and you are simply missing out, because she wants you to be attentive to her needs.  She wants you to be sensitive and caring, like Channing Tatum was in that movie where he played the real sensitive and caring boyfriend that one time, and then his woman and every woman watching across all screens fell in love with him.  Dude, be like Channing!

Below you will find the steps you need to be like Channing or just be a better boyfriend/husband.


  1. Get your girl a random gift 
    Remember when you first started dating and you would leave her flowers at her doorstep and chocolate kisses wrapped in cute little colorful bags. Well, if that didn’t happen, here is your chance. Go to you local flower shop and grab a box of chocolates from where and get busy.  Your girl is mad at you. Be sensitive and get back on her good side.

  2. Become the worlds best poet
    Roses are red, violets are blue, you screwed up so become Shakespeare and makeup with your boo. You don't have to be the next Ezra Pound, you just have to be yourself. Be the guy that makes her smile with a little poetry to show that you tried.

  3. Break out the baby oil
    She had a long day and picked up your Valentine's Day undies off of the floor in the middle of March.  Give her a back rub to help release all the tension from putting up with your shenanigans. Be sure to light a candle. Nothing says, “fall in love with me,” more than an excellent unsolicited back rub in the amber glow of scented candles.

  4. It’s movie night
    That’s right, the love of your life is into chic flicks. There is nothing that would make her happier than to binge watch 27 Dresses, How to lose a Guy in 10 Days and of course Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Swallow your pride and pop the popcorn. You are one step closer to casting off the evil eye you’ve been getting since you did what you did.  You know what you did!